
SmartICS team gets ready to take part in GITEX Technology Week, Dubai

The SmartICS team will present our product at GITEX Technology Week, Dubai, along with the SmartPTT dispatch solution team. October 17 to 21, we will speak about our products at the most important exhibition in the Middle East region.

The 41st Gitex Technology Week participants will have an opportunity to learn more about SmartICS SCADA/IIoT platform and SmartPTT dispatch software. Product teams will reveal the full product life cycle: from the development to release and support.

SmartICS will be showcased by two specialists: Denis Romanenko, the head of SCADA/IIoT Division, and Igor Gritco,Business Development Director.

Denis and Igor will show the solution interface, tell about new features and upcoming release opportunities and perspectives. They will share their system integrators experience and answer any product-related questions. Every visitor will have a chance to get SmartICS DEMO access and try the software right on-site. SmartPTT team will provide this opportunity as well. Both teams are ready to show, speak and meet new partners.

We can’t wait for the exhibition to start, so we could meet our partners, and share as much info about our solutions as we can!

More about GITEX:
Gitex Technology Week is usually held in Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE. Every year, over 3,000 companies participate in the event. Last year, the exhibition was visited by 130,000 people.